We have the Bledlow Village Cricket Clb AGM coming up. This will be on Friday 17th November at the club (7.30pm for 8.00pm). If you wish to submit to any proposals to alter the rules of the club or the constitution please contact the club secretary Leigh Witney (leigh.witney@sky.com) with the proposal you wish to submit. Please include a proposer and seconder. (These should also be current club members). This must be with the committee by 10th November 2023.
Part of the AGM will be the election of a new committee to run the club. All of the committee posts are up for election. If you are interested in helping lead the club forward please have a think about standing for a position. There are some members of the current committee that will not be standing for re-election due to work, and other, commitments. If you want to talk about what is involved please speak to any of the current committee members.
Please find attached a list of the positions that will be voted on at the AGM. If you want would like to stand their are two options:-
- email the club secretary Leigh Witney (leigh.witney@sky.com) with the position you are interested in. Please include a proposer and seconder. (These should also be current club members)
- complete the form on the noticeboard at the club house. Please include a proposer and seconder. (These should also be current club members)
These should be sent in by 10th November 2023.
Please note that in line with the constitution we have 6 general committee members. If we have more than 6 people standing for the general committee then there will be a secret ballot at the AGM to select the 6 with the most votes.
Any questions please get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Leigh Witney