Bucks Cricket: EDI/ICEC
In light of the ICEC (Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket Report), we have had Clubs enquire what Bucks Cricket is doing to tackle discrimination and reduce barriers and inequality in the game.
Our EDI (Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) Action Plan and data is on our website here: https://buckscricket.co.uk/pages/edi-action-plan
Immediately after the season, this will be reviewed and a new action plan created. Naturally, we need to track our progress and see where we have fallen short, but this will also time with the ECB timeline of producing their response within 100 days of the ICEC Report release (which would be late September). We will consulting with ECB through this period to understand what their response means for us in Bucks.
You can read the ICEC Report here: https://theicec.com/report/
You can report any discrimination to the ECB here: https://ecbdiversity.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/requests/new
You can share this online Recreational Game Anti-Discrimination Training with your Club Officials: https://antidiscriminationrecreationalgame.ecb.co.uk/
If you have any questions or thoughts on this topic you would like to share, please get in contact with me or Emma Boswell-Harris our Club Network Manager emma.boswell-harris@buckscricket.co.uk
Kind Regards,
Rich Hudson
Bucks Cricket Website Administrator
Email - richard.hudson@buckscb.org
Note: The ICEC Report was discussed at the BVCC August committee meeting for our officials to reflect on and consider forming our own EDI Action Plans. The three main lenses the ICEC looked at were Class, Race and Gender, but of course there are other inequalities that we need to address collectively, e.g. Disability.