Phil Bowler has managed to book weekly sessions for Juniors in 2022 at Lord Williams Sports Hall in Thame.
These one hour sessions are planned to start at 5:30pm on Thursday 13th January and continue every Thursday till 31st March.
Please reply with any interest direct to Phil.
Also a reminder to complete the survey from Ed Page of Buckinghamshire Cricket Board by 7th November
In an effort to improve Junior Cricket throughout the County Bucks Cricket Board are looking to do 2 things:
- Improve the Junior Playing Experience by gaining feedback from Parents and Players on Junior Cricket in Bucks
- Offer more coaching opportunities to Non Pathway Players
Improving the Player Experience:
One of the County Partnership Agreement standards that Bucks Cricket have with ECB is to listen to children and young peoples’ views and consider them as part of decision-making processes. To do this we have created a Players and Parents' survey to help us better understand the landscape of junior cricket, junior competitions and the county pathway across the county.
Gain consent to offer more coaching opportunities for Non Pathway Players:
During the winter we organise a range of out of season coaching programmes, from softball through to performance skill zones, for Non Pathway Boys and Girls aged 5 through to 18. If parents want their children to be invited to these sessions we need them to complete a consent form to give us authority to make contact.
See the linked document for background and how to complete the Feedback and Consent forms: Direct Link here.
We will collate the feedback responses after Sunday 7 November and will share the relevant (anonymous) responses with you for your reference. We will then communicate next steps for formulating the county junior competitions for 2022.
Cheers, Bill Bolton