Hi All,
This year we have had the highest ever uptake for Junior Cricket at Bledlow Village with over 100 registered which is great.
Today (Friday 16th July) will be last night of Dynamos for this year. Next week our Dynamos Activators, Kirsty and Negs are taking a well earned break. We will be handing out certificates at the end of the session.
Next Friday 23rd July will be the last night of All Stars. Tonight we hope to run a full AS session but unfortunately Charlie is still having to self isolate and won't be down.
Also next Friday 23rd will be the last main session for U11 and U13 groups and we will be announcing the achievement awards for this year. There may be a few more U11 and U13 sessions into August depending on Coach availability. They will let each group know closer to the date.
Keep active during the schools break, watch some of the new Hundred Games.
We look forward to seeing you all again next year.