Buckland & Aston Clinton CC Covid-19 rules in conjunction with ECB guidelines as at April 2021
All participants should comply with all public health restrictions and avoid high risk behaviour outside cricket to reduce the risk to other participants when taking part in cricketing activity.
All participants (and parents of juniors) should be aware of the increase in risk of transmission associated with partaking in, even socially distanced group activity and that opting to participate is deemed to be acceptance of that risk.
Off Pitch Guidelines
• Visiting team are to supply names and contact details for theirmatch day group (players, umpire, scorer).
• Spectators are only permitted as patrons of the bar or if they need to be on the ground for Safeguarding reasons.
• Social distancing of 2m (or 1m+ for seating areas where not facing each other) to be maintained at all times.
• Arrive in kit no more than 30 minutes before the game as no changing rooms are to be used.
• Sanitise hands before and after playing, at any breaks and before consuming any food or drink.
• No “teas” or other communal food or drink will be provided (so please bring what you need with you), although drinks and snackscan be purchased from the bar.
• There is a single toilet in operation, accessed from a door to the left side of the pavilion, with a sanitisation station positioned just outside.
• The rest of the clubhouse remains closed, except for emergency use, with bar service only permitted to those sat outside the clubhouse.
• Contactless payments will be encouraged but cash can be accepted.
• There will be a separate area that only the match day group can be in. It is advised that during their team’s batting innings players do not move seats.
• Social gatherings after the game become governed by guidelines around operating a bar, with groups of no more than 6 socially distanced appropriately.
Impacts to Playing Conditions
• Social distancing of 2m to continue except for 1m+ for wicket keepers standing up and slips.
• Avoid putting saliva or sweat on to any cricket ball at any time.
• Balls to be returned as directly as possible to bowlers.
• Umpires do not touch the ball at all and only they can reset stump / bails nearest them. No personal items are to be handed to them.
• At breaks of play and at wicket fall the match ball is to be left by the base of the stumps.
• Hygiene breaks to take place every 6 overs or 20 minutes (whichever is sooner), and at the end of an innings. Players to sanitise hands and the fielding captain to also wipe the ball with an appropriate product.
• In wet weather go to own cars or shelter under trees (but taking care to distance appropriately).
• White board to be used to update score. Sanitise pen and board rubber between users.
• Sanitise hands after helping move mobile covers.
• Bats and keeping gloves to be sanitised at dedicated station when leaving the playing field.