Village Cricket Club
March 5th 2021 at 8pm
As the club
is currently shut and will be for the foreseeable future we will have
to hold the AGM via a zoom meeting.
We will send
out the link for the meeting in the week before the meeting.
As we cannot
get to the club it will be necessary for anyone that wants to stand
for the committee, or as a team captain, to apply through email.
If you wish
to stand for the committee you will need a proposer and seconder. The
Candidate, Proposer and Seconder must all be current members of the
club. The email should contain the Candidate name and the position they are standing for.
If there are more than one candidate for a position then there will be a vote.
If you have
any proposals to be considered at the meeting these will need to sent
in through email to the same address below. There will need to be a
proposer and seconder for each proposal.The email from the proposer and seconder should contain the Proposal name.
Please use
this email address to apply:-
Candidates and Proposals must be received by 26th February 2021
If you
have questions please ask any member of the committee
list of the people standing will be updated and published when the
three emails have been received
up for Election
Position Current Current Committee Member
Chairman* Roger Downes
Vice Chairman* Don
Treasurer* Graham Keens
Secretary* Geoff Bishop
Club Captain* Charlie
Fixture Secretary Brian
Welfare Officer Sophia
Member** James Shirley
Member** Bill Bolton
Member** Andy Reclik
Member** Martin
Sat 1st XI Captain Will Woodward
Sat 1st XI Vice-Captain Harry Bartlett
Sat 2nd XI Captain Marcus Goodchild
Sat 2nd XI,Vice -Captain Andy Reclik
Sunday XI Captain Alex Ross
* indicates an
officer of the club
** we can have
upto 6 members of the committee
Geoff Bishop
Bledlow Village Cricket Club