Bledlow Village Cricket Club News story

COVID19 Lock Down Update 2

06 May 2020

Dear Member

With this second lock down update, we hope that are still all in good health and staying safe.  These continue to be challenging times but there are signs that the situation may be easing a little.  For those of our members who are finding it difficult we hope that the coming week will provide more welcome news.  We’d again like to share our appreciation for the heroic efforts of NHS staff and all our other key workers, doing an amazing job in such circumstances.

Despite the ECB’s decision to consider restarting some forms of professional cricket in July, there is still no decision relating to any form of recreational cricket or training, as the restrictions around social distancing will make this extremely difficult, if not impossible.  We continue to wait for any promising announcements and are continually hopeful of getting to play some cricket this year.  

The grounds, outfield and wicket are still being maintained in anticipation of cricket and some other improvements are being considered, so maintaining our commitment to continued development of our Club.  We are hoping to further improve our training facilities and equipment for both senior and junior cricketers.  
The restrictions continue to include the social side of the Club, which is now regrettably in total ‘shutdown’.  We have, however, been able to keep going with some of the improvement works, whilst observing social distancing rules, and the Pavilion will be looking even better when we do eventually re-open.  As stated last month, the Century Club continues every month and all winnings will be ‘banked’ until they can be safely paid out, or reinvested as future monthly payments.  We would like to thank all those who have continued to make their contributions, it is a great help to us in these strange and difficult times.  

Last month, we were unsure whether Bledfest would be able to go ahead this year, primarily due to the rules on social separation.  However, our thoughts since have been that, should restrictions be relaxed, Bledfest could be the tonic we all need at the end of a difficult year.  To this end we have been making some plans, without the need for financial commitment, in the hope that we may be in a position to be able to stage some form of ‘party event’ towards the end of the year.  It obviously depends on the UK Government lifting restrictions on social gatherings and pub/club openings, so we await developments in the coming months.

We hope that our Club networks can play an important role in helping all in our community to get through this uncertain period.  The Bledlow Family is strong and we are all thankful for your continued support.  Our next ‘virtual’ entertainment experience for members is scheduled for this Saturday at 8:00 pm, and everyone is welcome to ‘Zoom’ into Megan’s Quiz.  If you have any other thoughts, questions or ideas please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Roger Downes, Chairman