Bledlow Village Cricket Club News story

Football Predictor Returns in October

18 Sep 2016


We will be running the football predictor again this Winter to raise funds for the extension. This will start on the first weekend in October

The idea is that you predict the results (win/lose/draw) of 15 football matches selected each week from, generally, the Premiership, Championship, International and European competitions.

You play this via e-mail or in person. The selected fixtures will be e-mailed out in the week preceding the match days. Make your selections then send them back in to the club via e-mail or text or e-mail before 9pm on the Friday evening before the game. You do not have to play each week. If you have paid we will put in a random pattern for you if you entry is not received.

The entries for the week will be sent e-mailed out and posted in the club before the games take place.

It on;y costs £2 a week to play this can be paid in advance, weekly, via direct debit or in anyway we can sort out.

There will be prizes for each weeks highest score, manager of the month and season long league winners ( normally top four).

The actual amounts paid will depend on the number of entries.

If you are interested in entering please let Geoff Bishop or Andy Harman know. Please leave your name and e-mail with them and entries will be e-mailed out to.