Dear All,
We have enjoyed well attended winter nets over the last couple of weeks, well done to those who have come along and thanks to our dedicated coaches, Corky and Bill. Next Sunday was due to be the last indoor session but we have decided not to run it because it's Easter Sunday and the first weekend of the children's school holidays.
Friday training will start at the club on 8 April and we look forward to welcoming you all again to the Bledlow Oval. We have had a busy closed season and the extension to the clubhouse is well underway to provide us with some very welcome twenty first century facilities.
With ever increasing numbers of children we are keen to find volunteer parents to help the qualified coaches run training sessions, support the management of the junior section and ensure we maintain the adult to child ratios to safe levels. To support this initiative we are offering the opportunity for parents to attend one of two courses being run locally in the next few weeks that could be of interest for those who may be willing to help on a more regular basis.
1. Umpiring for Parents Course: Learn how to umpire colts games, covering the basics of the Laws and how to umpire matches in a manner that educates players in the traditions of the game. Colts cricket should above all else should be fun. High Wycombe CC on the Wed 30th March at 7.30-9:30pm. No charge
2. ECB Coach Support Worker Certificate: For individuals wishing to assist under the direct supervision of ECB qualified coaches in the delivery of high quality practical cricket coaching sessions within a club environment. Lord Williams’s School on Sunday 10th April 9:30am-4:00pm. (Cost of £45 to be paid for by the club)
If either course is of interest please get in touch and arrangements can be made to get you enrolled. Even if you don't want to attend a course but just want to volunteer your help it would be great to hear from you. We are committed to improving all the children's cricket skills and at the same time make sure they continue to enjoy and get much from this wonderful game.
I look forward to welcoming you to the club again this season. Bring on those barmy summer Friday evenings!!
Very Best Wishes
Stephen ( M. 07985 876655